Guitar Help

  Mon. Thu. 12 pm - 7 pm
  Tue. Wed. Fri. 10 am - 5 pm

ul. Sandomierska 23 /52

02-567 Warsaw, Poland

tel. +48 691 441 628
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What instruments do you service?
Guitar Help services a range of instruments: acoustic guitars, classical guitars, electric guitars, bass guitars (including fretless guitars), resonator guitars, ukuleles, mandolins and banjos.

We also offer wood moisture optimization for bowed string and woodwind instruments in our HygroSound chamber.
When can I come in?
Do I need to make an appointment?
Can I send you my guitar?
How long does it take?
Can I get work done in 24 hours?
How does the intake process work?
Do you provide a post-service warranty?
Do you refinish instruments?

Guitar Help Workshop

Guitar Help offers maintenance and repairs for a range of stringed instruments: acoustic guitars, classical guitars, electric guitars, bass guitars, ukuleles, mandolins, banjos and fretless guitars. We also offer wood moisture optimization for bowed string and woodwind instruments in our HygroSound chamber.

Guitar Repair in Warsaw

Guitar Help is a conveniently-located professional guitar repair workshop. It’s easy to reach by metro, bus, tram or car (with free parking on Sandomierska, Starościńska and Rakowiecka street). Guitar Help is the only guitar repair workshop in downtown Warsaw.

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