Guitar Repair Price List

Here at Guitar Help, we provide services that are tailored the needs of our clients. Our list of services corresponds to the most commonly occurring problems. Prices vary depending on the type and condition of the instrument.
We begin with an initial inspection of the instrument to identify any defects and determine what type of services can be performed on the instrument.

1. If the instrument won’t tune

We perform adjustments to calibrate the end supports in order to achieve the correct frequency:

  • Nut adjustment
  • Neck adjustment
  • Saddle adjustment

Price: 60 to 330 PLN

2. If the strings buzz when played:

We perform adjustments to mitigate any mechanical aberrations and achieve a resonant sound with the lowest action possible:

  • Fret adjustment
  • Guitar neck adjustment

Price: 60 to 375 PLN

3. If the strings are too high:

We perform adjustments to reduce the distance between the frets and the stings, making them easier to press:

  • Adjusting the strings at the nut and saddle
  • Guitar neck adjustment

Price: 60 to 250 PLN

4. If the instrument won’t stay in tune:

We perform adjustments to make sure the moving parts work smoothly and to reduce string snagging: 

  • Tuning peg maintenance
  • Shaping and lubricating string slots
  • Regulating the tailpiece
  • Regulating or blocking a tremolo bridge

Price: 55 to 150 PLN 

5. If the instrument is damaged:

We take measures to restore the structure of the instrument to a usable state. This involves reintegrating the parts and filling any remaining cavities:

  • Gluing
  • Refinishing

Price: 150 to 450 PLN

6. If the electronics are not working correctly:

We perform adjustment to modify or improve the operation of the amplification circuit:

  • Volume balancing
  • Shielding
  • Wax potting pickups
  • Part replacement
  • Connection maintenance and modification

Price: 75 to 350 PLN

Guitar Help Workshop

Guitar Help offers maintenance and repairs for a range of stringed instruments: acoustic guitars, classical guitars, electric guitars, bass guitars, ukuleles, mandolins, banjos and fretless guitars. We also offer wood moisture optimization for bowed string and woodwind instruments in our HygroSound chamber.


Guitar Help

  Mon. Thu. 12 pm - 7 pm
  Tue. Wed. Fri. 10 am - 5 pm

ul. Sandomierska 23 /52

02-567 Warsaw, Poland

tel. +48 691 441 628
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Guitar Repair in Warsaw

Guitar Help is a conveniently-located professional guitar repair workshop. It’s easy to reach by metro, bus, tram or car (with free parking on Sandomierska, Starościńska and Rakowiecka street). Guitar Help is the only guitar repair workshop in downtown Warsaw.

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